We left Montréal at 2:30 in the morning, having no clue if we would find this crazy location, or if we could just get in. At 5:30am, we met Ash and his dear friend Kim at the very end of a cul de sac. ​​​​​​​
My buddy and drone operator for this gig, Renaud, led us into a secret pathway, where we eventually found a broken fence. We sneaked in Ash’s multiple instruments into this small hole, in the dark with our headlamps, to finally walk 20 minutes, and find this chaotic but beautiful location. The rest is pretty much of a beautiful story, and of course music video. I truly love my friends Nick and Renaud who busted their ass to wake up in the middle of the night to help me direct this gig, we had no clue how it was going to turn out but they had my back and trusted me on this one. Much love mes frères! 

Directed, shot and edited by Phil Rouleau
Drone operator: Renaud Jacob 
Set photographer: Nick Gosset 
Graded by William Albu 
Produced by Ash Music 

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